The «FOUNTAIN» FUND (Russia) and 



«Window to Paris – 201...» - is a continuation of the story told in the previous film. The magic window in an apartment in Petersburg, which leads onto a roof in Paris, is going to open again...  And it will open so that the author of the new film would be able to make a true picture of today`s Russia with its problems and hopes. And this, in any case, must be funny! Because the genre of the future film is the same as that of the first one – it is a comedy.  


«The Rockman» is a musical film dedicated to Leonid Utesov, the founder of the unique TEA- Jazz.  This film, based on real facts and legends, will tell about the life of this jazz devotee. The main structural principle, formulated by Sergey Eisenstein in his times, to underlie the structure of the future film, is «montage of attractions». 


Consecutive or entangled in the time periods, the presentation of events, genres and forms must result in a bright and captivating musical show, which hasn`t happened on the Russian screen since the times of director Grigory Alexandrov. 


The authors will restore the stunningly inventive items of the TEA-Jazz group, which were equal to Broadway programs.  This page in the history of Soviet jazz is absolutely unknown to western audiences and promises a western viewer an unexpected discovery. 


«The Joy of Loving Joyce» is a film about an extraordinary love and devotion between two inspired people, about their passionate love of Joyce`s writings, which resulted in a tragedy, as well as about miracles, which came to happen to the heroine of the film. 


The film is based on the autobiography of Elena Verzhblovskaya, whose husband Igor Romanovych was the first translator of Joyce into Russian. His work became the reason for his arrest as a spy and he perished in Stalinist Gulag.  


However, even after death, he continues to accompany his beloved, communicating with her directly and guiding her on the road of life. And it is not the author`s fantasy but the real phenomenon, described by Verzhblovskaya, who is a crystal-clear honest person. It`s not for the first time in history that sufferings enable a person to see something bigger than the physical environment.  The realities of the Stalinist times, alternating fantastically with the images from Joyce,  must weave an unusual, purely Bulgakovian tissue of a film narrative.


«The Dangerous Likeness »   -  A story, both funny and sad, about how...  (director Mamin keeps the plot of the film in secret).